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Keiana Samoy

Data Analyst

Ambitious data analyst dedicated to advancing space exploration through operational efficiency and driving technological progress. Committed to promoting equity and broadening STEM access for underrepresented communities.


How My Story Began

Hi there! I'm Keiana Samoy, an enthusiastic data analyst with a profound interest in business, space exploration, and creating a positive impact on our world. My educational journey started at California State University, Northridge (CSUN), where I completed two undergraduate degrees, including a B.S. in Business Analytics and Honors in Business.


During my junior year at CSUN, I had the privilege of participating in a paid fellowship at the Autonomy Research Center for STEAHM (ARCS). There, I collaborated on research projects with NASA engineers and scientists. The fusion of business and technical work proved to be exhilarating. My fascination with NASA was so profound that I eagerly submitted my resume for internship opportunities, metaphorically tossing it into the black hole of possibilities.


A few weeks later, a call from a hiring manager altered my career trajectory. I was offered the role of a business analyst intern at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Without a moment's hesitation, I wholeheartedly accepted the opportunity. Over the course of my year-long internship, I immersed myself in a variety of data-driven projects with a focus on areas such as finance, recruiting, lab scheduling, and more. My passion and drive captured the attention of my manager, culminating in the offer and acceptance of a full-time position.


​And thus, my story began. I hope you'll follow along on my journey of self-discovery as I navigate the wonders of our beautiful universe. Let's dare mighty things, together!

Let’s Work Together

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