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One of the most fulfilling aspects of my career is engaging in outreach events. I've had the opportunity to participate in events across the globe, from Los Angeles, California, to the Kingdom of Bahrain, where I share insights about my educational journey, research, and career.

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Interview with Dr. Adriana Ocampo

I had the privilege of participating in an interview with Dr. Adriana Ocampo Uria, a CSUN alumna, former intern at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the Project Executive for the Lucy Mission at NASA Headquarters. This live broadcast was shared with local public schools and the CSUN community to inspire the next generation of STEM students.

JPL Open House

Each year, JPL welcomes more than 30,000 visitors, including local Pasadena residents and people who travel from all over the world to experience a one-of-a-kind look into the cutting-edge field of space robotics.


JPL Bring Your Child to Work Day

When JPL employees brought their children to work, I organized a Robotics Touch Tank session. This event included watching videos of the robots in action, explaining the technology behind them, and allowing the children to physically interact with the robots.

Bahrain University Panel

In November 2022, I remotely participated in a collaborative workshop between Bahrain University and CSUN's Tseng College. The workshop aimed to showcase CSUN's General Education program and emphasize the significance of a liberal arts education as a catalyst for international research.

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